Sunday, January 5, 2014

Cracking the Cocoon

Last night my husband was feeling badly right before bedtime. His stomach hurt and he decided to sit up in his chair awhile, hoping it would pass. Because we live in our little cabin now, (which is like a large hotel suite) I stayed in bed, propped up on my pillows and listened to the silence. I stared at the back of his head as he sat in his recliner, and I said a little prayer that he would soon feel better.

It was then that the importance of this diet hit me so intensely. 

We need to be well. 

We need to get healthy. We need to stop believing we are immortal - that we will be able to walk and see and talk and do all the things we've been doing all along.

Last year I lost almost thirty pounds. I could breathe. I could hold my grand baby while we sat cross legged on the floor - and I could get up from that position without having to crawl on my hands and knees to find a piece of furniture to pull myself up on. My bones didn't hurt. My heartburn disappeared. My energy levels increased. Romance returned.

You see, losing weight isn't all about sliding into a smaller, more fashionable pair of jeans. It's about feeling good. It's about prolonging your lifetime. It's about preserving the best of yourself and chucking the bad.

I listened as my husband went into the bathroom and threw up. He instantly felt better and slept well. This morning he's just fine.

But last night I hated the feeling that we aren't the best we can be.

 We eat way too much sugar and carbs. We spend days watching TV and playing on the computer. We make unwise choices when we eat out.
It scared me to imagine always being sick, weak and unable to enjoy this retirement, this beautiful place, my sweet family...

So, tomorrow is more than just a diet. It's a permanent change. 
A metamorphosis. 
We can't ever let ourselves crawl back into that big, fat, dark cocoon again.
We are going to be beautiful,

We are going to fly again.


  1. Congratulations on your weight loss, it really is a journey. Happy to hear your husband is feeling better. Happy New Year wishes to you. Thanks so much for visiting and for your sweet comments that put a big smile on my face:-)

  2. You have made a wonderful point with this post. I must agree with it completely. I have reached a point of my life I never knew I could have. Yet I have arrived here very over weight and out of shape and imagining that I will live this life for years to come. I assume that since I have made it this far I must be doing something right. Well, considering my age I am afraid I may be very wrong about my future. I can only hope it isn't to late to expect this older body to go thru weight loss one more time. I will approach this new journey slowly and carefully to find possibly my last chance at a slim and healthy life. Doing it with friends maybe the secret to success this time. Thanks for giving me this chance to find my goal with you and others. Best of luck to all of us and will see all of you on the other side...the side of good health and a very active body and lifestyle! Thank you Rae!

  3. A more healthy lifestyle is what we all need. I just want to be healthier. I may never be a size 9 but as long as I feel good and comfortable in my clothes, I really dont care what the scale says! (well, I do but I'm not gonna stress) I will be 60 this April and I hope that I can finally finish something that I started....
