Saturday, January 4, 2014


Every woman loves to accessorize her home and wardrobe. A strand of pearls and a cuff bracelet show off a plain black dress, a vase of flowers in the foyer sets a cozy mood, and colorful pillows on a white comforter bring a bedroom to life.
All those little extras are interesting embellishments that make for pleasurable living.

I think that is why diets are so difficult. We must chop away the extras. We have to get rid of the fluff, the garnishments, the icing on the cake, (so to speak.) We have to strip our choices down to a few wise and healthy options. We have to shed the idea of sauces, condiments, sweeteners, desserts, - and all those other decorations that make food so calorie-laden. 

We are exposing ourselves. Like being naked. It's the real us standing on that scale crying like a baby that just lost its pacifier. Where food once comforted us and defined us, we now must wean ourselves from those habits that shorten our lives. Plain and simple.

My problem is, I have no vision. I can't imagine myself thin a year from now. And if I do, I want it to be tomorrow- not next October! Not later! But now!
I want it to happen overnight. I want my Fat -Removing -Fairy -Godmother to whip her wand and sculpt my body into a fit celebrity worthy status. I want my rolls and layers and jiggles to melt like cotton candy in a rain storm. I want everything that's not necessary to be peeled away in a day. Not weeks, months or years!

But, that's not how it works. 

Accept the fact right now that the over- used saying of "One day at a time" applies to this journey. Results will be slow. Like building a house. When the dirt is being moved, you just can't imagine how it's going to look. But gradually the foundation is built, the walls go up, the roof is constructed and before you know it, you're tucked away all comfy inside enjoying your thin new body. 

This is going to be like  a road trip. You are going to make wrong turns, get lost,  feel weary, miss the familiar...but you know what is a great thing about this trip? You are going to lose your luggage!!!

Relax. Focus. Re-examine. Be patient.

Just think how nice that black dress will look in a smaller size. Then you can add all the embellishments you want and enjoy them even more.

The journey starts in 2 days...


  1. I love the comment about loosing my luggage! I am real tired of carrying my everywhere I go. so I am on my way to lighten my load and have a fun slim life again. Living a Slim Life is Possible!! Let's go!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Rae, Rae. Rae~!!! You always have the right words for the journeys and stories that you endeavour~!! Groan....Treadmill-----isn't that a cuss word???? ....I "hear" you about it all....Re-examine! MMMmmmm, does that mean that I must put up my plate of noodles???....BEST of luck on your journey!

  3. This blog sounds like many others you and I have journeyed on. Like we are looking fine in 2009....gonna be thin in 2010...and so on and so on! I'm with you sis! I am with you all the way...just like all the other years. We have both made it a couple times, you made it on your own before and I made it on my own before. They say two heads are better than Let's Go!
