Monday, January 6, 2014

Gearing Up

Most people can't see it, but I have a very tiny scar on my chin(s). Just a discolored crescent about the size of a seed tick. I try my best to hide it under makeup or a flip of shoulder hair . But it is there to remind me of a few very important lessons in life:
1. Always use the right tools for the job
2. Never take shortcuts
3. Don't be lazy

So now I guess this is the part where you want to hear my story. The story of how I got this scar and why on earth it has anything to do with diet and exercise. 

It was a few years ago. I was sitting in my comfy desk chair in front of my computer, writing my daily blog. I had gotten a blast of inspiration and was trying to type as fast as my brain was spitting out words. I had no time for any distractions. Even my coffee cup was empty- and that never happens.

I paused a moment to rub my eyes and rest my chin in my hand. It was then that I felt it. A chin hair. And not some fragile, wispy spiderweb thin chin hair. It was at least a quarter inch long and made of 20 pound test line.

 I pulled. I picked. I even broke a fingernail trying to pluck that hair from its freakish follicle. I didn't have time to find a pair of tweezers!! So, I did what any lazy person would do. I opened up the desk drawer and found a pair of my husbands needle-nose pliers. Then, with a few painful pinches and a lengthy tug,  that bloody, werewolfish hair released its hold. And left a scar in its place.

So, you see, I'm here today to tie this story into our diet journey.
First, get the right tools!
A good scale for weighing portions is a must.
A notebook or journal for writing down everything you eat. Yeah, EVERYTHING. Even that dried up raisin or that cracker from the salad bar.
A calculator for figuring calories, points, or whatever method you chose to lose.
Personally, I am trying My Fitness Pal, an app that helps track your calories and exercise and weight loss. A great tool so far!
Next - don't take shortcuts!
Don't "guess" that slab of meat is 3 oz. Don't assume those pretzels are low fat. Don't figure an extra serving can't possibly hurt.
And don't be lazy! Put down that novel or that TV remote and get moving! Don't use being tired as an excuse to go through McDonalds for dinner. Don't be satisfied with "almost" to goal. 

And I'm here to tell you that you will bear scars forever if you don't do anything to change your lifestyle today. 
And you'll never be able hide them.


  1. I am also joining fitness pal. I am so ready for a fabulous healthy, slim, active new year!!!

  2. I have ALL the right tools, I just need to not be so lazy and use them all. It's real easy to get side tracked and play the guessing game, but we all know that it won't work to well. I have been determined many other years, I have tried many times, let's just hope this year I can finally succeed...along with my sister!
